DJ-1130 Valve Cover; Clone/GX200 Stock
Item is as pictured. Does not fit engines with 5 valvecover bolts.D315.63 -
DJ-1130pulse Valve Cover 196cc BSP/Clone
BSP/Clone valve cover with fuel pump pulse fitting installedItem is as pictured. Does not fit engines with 5 valvecover bolts or Harbor Freight Predators 212.D688.36 -
DJ-1136 Muffler Clamp 1 5/16"
The strongest header clamp available. If you are tired of your header coming loose or stripping out the threads on the aluminum clamps, this is your answer. Fits RLV#4104 B91XL(stock) and...D495.65 -
DJ-1137 RLV SuperBox Header
DJ-1137 RLV SuperBox Header .930 ID Two Stage for the Honda GX200, BSP, Clone 196cc This header is designed to fit the Honda/ Clone, may not fit or may require modification for Predator...D2,854.18 -
DJ-1139 RLV Stock 1 5/16" Muffler (Stock/BP)
RLV 4104 "Stock" muffler (B91XL 1-5/16") This is the spec muffler for "stock" 4cycle classes and BP clone class in WKA, FKA, AKRA etc.D3,738.42 -
DJ-1145-B Economy Clone/GX200 Black Top Plate
Economy Black, lower cost model for the Clone / GX200 Engines OR Predator Hemi 212cc/Predator 224cc/ Predator Ghost 212cc (The DJ-1145B will work with any engine that ARCs DJ-1146 fits)Mounting Bolts...D2,092.06 -
DJ-1145-BC Clone GX200 Black Cut Top Plate
Economy Black, lower cost model for the Clone / GX200 Engines OR Predator Hemi 212cc/Predator 224cc/ Predator Ghost 212cc (The DJ-1145B will work with any engine that ARCs DJ-1146 fits)Mounting Bolts...D1,863.66 -
DJ-1150 GX200/Clone Stock Fuel Hose w/Clips
This is a 100% stock take-off item. The fuel hose w/clips that comes with each engine.D249.81 -
DJ-1152A Fuel Hose Clips
These are the clips used with our DJ-1152 Fuel Filters. They are simple, easy to use and stay where you put them.D59.48 -
DJ-1175 GX200/Clone OEM Cooling Fan
OEM stock plastic fan for flywheel fits GX200 Honda, Clone 196cc & 212 Predators Can be used with the 6602 Ultra Lite flywheels when running gasoilne. Color may vary (black or...D118.96