DJ-1310T Fiber .048 Head Gasket Clone/GX200
This is a Carbon Fiber Gasket with Fire Ring .048 for GX200/ClonesNot legal for AKRA Box Stock ClassesUseful for high compression engine buildsD396.52 -
DJ-1312 BSP/Clone High Performance Head Gasket
BSP/Clone High Performance Head Gasket This is a Steel, Viton Coated, .010 Head Gasket that meets all AKRA specs for use in the Box Stock classesViton is an extremely...D277.57 -
DJ-1315 Air Box to Carb Gasket
Heavy rubber coated gasket that goes between the air box or air filter adapter and the stock 196cc carburetor.D174.47 -
DJ-1320 Carb to Intake Gasket (For Plate)
This OEM gasket for the BSP/Clone engine goes between the stock carburetor and the black intake insulator. An extra gasket is needed if a restrictor plate is used. These are good quality and...D55.51 -
DJ-1325 Intake Insulator Gasket
This is a stock OEM gasket that bridges the gap between the plastic insulator and the head. This gasket is matched in size and shape to the intake port, it has proven to be both uniform in size and...D55.51 -
DJ-1330 BSP/Clone/Hemi Pred Exhaust Header Gasket
BSP / Clone Exhaust Header GasketStock BSP Product DOES NOT FIT Predator engine without modification. It will fit the Hemi pred.D55.51 -
DJ-1335 BSP / Clone Valve Cover Gasket
Valve Cover Gasket for the BSP Clone 196cc Engine. Will also fit the newest version Gen3 Predator 212cc engine with 27/25 valves and split keeper retainers. Does NOT fit 2009 Harbor...D134.82 -
DJ-1336 BSP / Clone Rubber Valve Cover Gasket
Rubber Valve Cover Gasket For The BSP Clone 196cc Engines. Seal better and last longer than the traditional cork gaskets. "May" work on the newest Gen3 Predator 212cc engines with 27/25 valves and...D257.74 -
DJ-1340-12 Gasket, Sidecover Thin .012" GX200/Clone
New, Thinner Sided Cover Gasket for Clone/GX200 Engines .012"Tighten up crank end play or stack with standard gasket to increase crank end play.D118.96 -
DJ-1341 O-Ring, Carburetor Float Bowl GX200/Clone
This is the stock O-Ring for the float bowl on both the Huayi and RuiXing Clone carbs.D107.85 -
DJ-1345 BSP Carb Stud
Stock carburetor stud for GX200/ Clone. You will need this stud when using an after market air filter adapter on your predator engine, the stock one is too short.D168.13 -