DJ-1265 Stock Sidecover/Bare GX200/Clone Side Cover for GX200 / Clone EnginesThis is the factory standard, stock side cover. It comes to us bare, no gasket, bearing, or hardware. Check related items for accessories RD$1,576.86 Add to Cart The item has been added Compare
DJ-1270 Clone Engine Block The DJ-1270 is the same high quality cylinder assembly that is used on the Ducar 196cc engine. Specs Engine: 196cc OHV Clone Brand: Ducar Bore: 68mm Block: Aluminum Sleeve: Cast Iron Design: Dual Bearing RD$3,681.66 Add to Cart The item has been added Compare
DJ-1275 Clone 196cc/GX200 Stock OEM Crankshaft (2) BSP Clone 196cc(GX200 Chinese replacement) stock crankshaft will average 2.125-2.129" and have a flame hardened journal. RD$2,188.15 Add to Cart The item has been added Compare
DJ-1275-KIT 196cc Pre-Clearanced Crankshaft and Rod Assy. (3) Pre-clearanced crank and rod assembly for the 196cc clone engines. This kit includes a Max Stroke BSP small hole crank and a BSP Cast Rod that has been set to the proper oil clearances for your AKRA/NKA karting, mini bike or backyard build. All specs... RD$4,928.56 Add to Cart The item has been added Compare
DJ-1275MS Max Stroke Crankshaft, GX200/Clone 196cc (1) The Max Stroke Crank from BSP allows the maximum stroke per the AKRA/NKA rules. These cranks will average 2.130 - 2.133" total stroke and have a flame hardened 1.180" journal. RD$3,334.33 Add to Cart The item has been added Compare
DJ-1280 Stock BSP/Clone Connecting Rod (1) 196cc clone factory Replacement Connecting Rods Standard, Stock Size 3.303" RD$494.59 Add to Cart The item has been added Compare
DJ-1280-05 Stock BSP/Clone Connecting Rod +.005 3.308 Stock BSP/Clone Connecting Rod +.005 3.308 RD$899.57 Add to Cart The item has been added Compare
DJ-1280-10 Stock Connecting Rod, Clone/GX200 +.010 Clone/GX200 3.313" long stock rod. This is a stock, cast rod that is +.010" over stock length. If the top of the piston is .015" or more down in the bore from the cylinder's gasket surface when the crank is at top dead center using a regular stock... RD$899.57 Add to Cart The item has been added Compare
Sold out DJ-1280-M5 STOCK CONNECTING ROD CLONE/GX200 -.005 CLONE/GX200 3.298 Long Stock Rod.This is a stock cast rod that is -.005 under stock lenth RD$899.57 Out of stock Compare
DJ-1281 Piston Circlip GX200/Clone Stock Cir Clip for the GX200 / Clone This is a single, so remember to order two if you need a set. RD$86.83 Add to Cart The item has been added Compare
DJ-1282 Wrist Pin GX200/Clone / Pred Light weight performance wrist pin for the GX200 / Clones / Predator. Weighs 43.3 grams at 2.106" long and .543 ID. AKRA, NKA, and WKA legal. RD$154.21 Add to Cart The item has been added Compare
DJ-1284 GX200/Clone Piston Only -std Standard, stock size(68mm) piston for the GX200/196c Clone engines. RD$677.29 Add to Cart The item has been added Compare