DJ-1126 Stainless Steel Valve (24mm)
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Dyno "CM" Modified Superbox Cam for Honda GX200 or BSP Clone 6.5 with bored stock carb or tilly carb.This Cam is Heat Treated
Agressive ramp cam for Modified class motor.
Use with bored stock or Tillotson carb
Requires upgraded spring package, billet rod and billet flywheel. Also fits the Habor Freight "Hemi" Predator.
Engine: 196cc OHV Clone
Recommended Class: Super Stock
Target (MAX) RPM: 7500
Spring Pressure (In / Ex): 20 lbs
Valve Lash (IN/EX): .003"
Ignition Timining: 30 Deg BTDC
LIFT: .265
Dur @ .050": 236.9 Deg.
C/L: 108 ATDC
LIFT: .265
Dur @ .050": 236.5 Deg.
C/L: 108 BTDC