Carburetors / Parts

  • DJ-1225R Carburetor, Stock RuiXing

    DJ-1225R Carburetor, Stock RuiXing


    BSP/Clone RuiXing Carburetor. This is the stock OEM carb for the BSP/Dupor 196cc Clone engines. Nothing has been altered or changed on these carbs. We sell the stock carbs as they come from factory, we do not custom install jets on stock carbs...
    руŠ±1 796,99
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  • DJ-1231 Carburetor Throttle Rod and Return Spring

    DJ-1231 Carburetor Throttle Rod and Return Spring


    These items normally come with every engine as part of the original governor assembly.  They are both required when using any of ARC's engine top plates. ***Will Not Work with big block GX390 or 420 style top plates. Must use the OEM throttle rod...
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  • DJ-1241R Ruixing Low RPM Jet

    DJ-1241R Ruixing Low RPM Jet


    RuiXing Low Speed Jet. CHOOSE SIZE FROM DROP-DOWN MENU (default is stock size) Will Not fit the Huayi carbs May not fit some SP Predator carbs 
    руŠ±302,69 - руŠ±403,59
  • DJ-124xxx GX/Clone Main Jet Drilled to Size

    DJ-124xxx GX/Clone Main Jet Drilled to Size


    CHOOSE SIZE FROM DROP DOWN MENU  These jets fit GX160,200, and 390 carbs and clones.Selection suggestions for Box Stock:Red restrictor plate engines on gas: .042" with .021" low speed jetGreen and Purple restrictor plate engines on gas: ...
  • DJ-1251  BSP/Clone GX140 "E" Tube

    DJ-1251 BSP/Clone GX140 "E" Tube


    This E-tube has a slightly larger main bore and less air bleed holes providing a better fuel signal at the jet. Improves performance across the RPM range, but especially on bottom end and mid range. You will want a main jet between .035" and .037" and...
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  • DJ-1257 ARC Choke Bracket Assembly

    DJ-1257 ARC Choke Bracket Assembly


    This little bracket bolts to the back of our 6931 air filter adapter to keep the choke lever in place. Without the stock air box, or this little device, the choke lever will pop off. This bracket requires the odd-shaped, thick, rubber-coated metal...
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