6264 ARC Billet Rod, Mitsubishi/Vanguard 3.465 X .6306 Billet Rod Mitsubishi/Briggs Vanguard 6HP Model 11 engine. 3.465" C/C X .6306 Wrist Pin. Installation Instructions: To install your ARC rod you will need a 12 point 1/4" socket and a QUALITY inch pound torque wrench. You will need an... ₱5,333.58 Add to Cart The item has been added Compare
6201 1/4" X 1/4" DR 12PT Gearwrench Socket 1/4" X 1/4" DR 12PT Gearwrench Socket ₱444.09 Add to Cart The item has been added Compare
6200 1/4" X 1/4" DR 12PT Paramount Deep Socket 1/4" X 1/4" DR 12PT Paramount Deep Socket ₱444.09 Add to Cart The item has been added Compare
ARC Decals 1 Lg and 1 Sm (5) Get 2 ARC Stickers Lg 5 x 3/4, Sm 3 1/2 x 2 1/4 for $1.00. New customers get a free set of stickers ₱63.53 Add to Cart The item has been added Compare